Detailed information on g7t001

You will find below detailed information on the target and its probable position on the plane of the sky.

Object Information
  • Gaia ID: -4194910925
  • Database ID: 74424
  • Name: g7t001
  • Magnitude (V): 20.2+0.2-0.1
  • Date of observation: 11/11/2023
Sky view with Aladin -- Object expected magnitude V= 20.2+0.2-0.1
No ephemeris available in the required period

Footprints of areas to search for (in red) for the epoch listed below.

Available epochs 0
No ephemeris available in the required period.
Reported observations 2
2023-11-17 00:00:00ThuillotHaute Provence
2023-11-17 00:00:00ThuillotSutherland-LCO A